it's not the ball. It's a moving square. You're an excellent shooter. Shoot them before the bullets run out!
The red object will reduce your life and the green will take you to the next level. Now I don't think you're the one who can finish this challenging game with 10 levels. Download it now and try your patience. This won't be easy!
itu bukan bola. Ini kotak yang bergerak. Anda seorang penembak yang sangat baik. Tembak mereka sebelum peluru habis!
Objek merah akan mengurangi hidup Anda dan hijau akan membawa Anda ke tingkat berikutnya. Sekarang saya tidak berpikir Anda yang bisa menyelesaikan game yang menantang ini dengan 10 level. Unduh sekarang dan coba kesabaran Anda. Ini tidak akan mudah!
it's not the ball. It's a moving square. You're an excellent shooter. Shoot them before the bullets run out!
The red object will reduce your life and the green will take you to the next level. Now I don't think you're the one who can finish this challenging game with 10 levels. Download it now and try your patience. This won't be easy!